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/ PC-SIG: World of Education / PC-SiG's World of Education.iso / run / 1214

Text (8)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
babdoc.bat DOS Batch File 9 150b 1988-11-04
baby.doc Text File 133 5KB 1988-05-26
file1214.txt Text File 56 2KB 1988-11-23
files.txt File List 15 736b 1988-06-07
go.bat DOS Batch File 5 38b 1988-01-18
go.txt Text File 12 848b 1988-11-04
number.doc Text File 133 6KB 1988-05-27
numdoc.bat DOS Batch File 9 152b 1988-11-04

Other Files (2)
baby.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 59KB 1988-04-10
number.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 56KB 1988-06-07